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Three Ponzi Problem - The Ultimate Guide to Building a Ponzi Scheme

Three Ponzi Problem - The Ultimate Guide to Building a Ponzi Scheme

Through the "Three Ponzi Problem," the author analyzes the application of Ponzi economic mechanisms in financial systems such as cryptocurrency. The author divides the Ponzi mechanism into three types: Dividend Plate, Mutual Aid Plate, and Splitting Plate. Each type has its unique design and collapse conditions. The author's overall perspective is that Ponzi mechanisms are ubiquitous, and Ponzi economics driven by human nature forms the core of current cryptocurrency innovation.
12/31/2024, 5:58:12 PM

Seu portal de entrada para o mundo das criptomoedas, inscreva-se no portal para ter uma nova perspectiva

Seu portal de entrada para o mundo das criptomoedas, inscreva-se no portal para ter uma nova perspectiva