🔥gate Bots strategy trader incentive program is now open!
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According to official sources, Aergo, a hybrid blockchain project, has released an update on the investigation into suspicious activities related to Aergo Bridge.
770 million Aergo tokens were withdrawn through the Aergo Bridge service. All transactions were processed smoothly, transferring the exact amount between the Aergo and ERC vaults. Due to abnormally high trading volume, the official threat detection system temporarily suspended the bridge service. The team is conducting a comprehensive inspection of all systems and will resume the service once everything is verified.
Note: Neither the vault nor the bridge have been subjected to any hacker attacks and remain secure.
Earlier today, Aergo announced on X platform that its Aergo Swap (bridge) service has been temporarily suspended due to suspicious activities recently discovered. The team will reopen the service once the issue is resolved and update the timeline as soon as possible.