🍀 Gate.io Honor Credits Spring Lucky Draw Round 9️⃣ is Officially Live!
💎 Enter the Draw Now and Seize Your Springtime Luck! 👉 https://www.gate.io/activities/creditprize?now_period=9
To Join:
1️⃣ Open the App 'Home'-'Post', and Tap the Credits Icon Next to Your Profile to Enter the 'Credits Center'.
2️⃣ Complete Tasks like Post, Comment, and Like to Earn Honor Credits.
🎁 Every 300 Credits to Draw 1 Chance, Win a MacBook Air, INTER Water Bottle, Futures Voucher, Points, and More Amazing Prizes!
⏰ Ends on April 5th, 16:00 PM (UTC)
👉 Details: https://www.gate.io/announcements/article/44114
Fidelity已经等不及美国的比特币现货etf批准了,宣布先在加拿大推出现货etf了。之前所有入场的公司和Fidelity都不是一个量级的,灰度也只不过是百亿美元级别,而fidelity是万亿级别。通常像Fidelity这种巨头入场,代表着游戏才刚刚开始,因为只有未来潜力足够大才容得下这种巨头。然而加拿大市场毕竟资金有限, 还是要继续等美国的现货etf批准,相信sec完善了一切法律法规后,才是真正市场起飞的时候。现在这个这个阶段很无聊,不过有趣的在后面