The idea of the hardcore color research bot Tugou monitoring notification

HEQET symbol TokenMarket Cap is 29.26K, 1-hour volume is 17.31K, number of trades is 73, Liquidity is 5.22 ETH, UniswapV2 buy tax is 0.0, sell tax is 6.8, average tax is 6.6, highest tax is 11.0, with honeypot, Open Source, and minting function, opening limit purchase, sniping bribery ETH maximum 0.06, minimum 0.04, average 0.05, with 30 transactions at a frequency of 1.4 minutes, 60 transactions at a frequency of 2.0 minutes, deployer balance is 1.4 ETH, historical contract count is 1, funding source is 0x21a31ee1afc51d94c2efccaa2092ad1028285549, social information includes Telegram and website links. #BNB

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