金色财经报道,Digital Currency Group 股东的一封信中, CEO Barry Silbert谈到了 deAI(去中心化AI):Tài sản tiền điện tử行业将人工智能创新与Blockchain技术融合在一起的努力。他认为,与 OpenAI 和其他巨头开发的封闭系统相比,deAI这种技术融合可能为人类带来更好的回报。
The DCG has invested $105 million in more than a dozen deAI projects, and Barry Silbert said that the opportunity for deAI is greater than Bitcoin. In his letter, he said, 'We are moving from digital ownership of assets to intelligent decentralized ownership and the availability of a large amount of decentralized computing resources. deAI may herald a power revolution rather than a monetary revolution, using cryptocurrency as a mechanism for allocating ownership and governance rights to powerful AI models'.
Nội dung chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo, không phải là lời chào mời hay đề nghị. Không cung cấp tư vấn về đầu tư, thuế hoặc pháp lý. Xem Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm để biết thêm thông tin về rủi ro.
CEO DCG: Công ty đã đầu tư 1,05 tỷ USD vào hơn 10 dự án deAI
金色财经报道,Digital Currency Group 股东的一封信中, CEO Barry Silbert谈到了 deAI(去中心化AI):Tài sản tiền điện tử行业将人工智能创新与Blockchain技术融合在一起的努力。他认为,与 OpenAI 和其他巨头开发的封闭系统相比,deAI这种技术融合可能为人类带来更好的回报。 The DCG has invested $105 million in more than a dozen deAI projects, and Barry Silbert said that the opportunity for deAI is greater than Bitcoin. In his letter, he said, 'We are moving from digital ownership of assets to intelligent decentralized ownership and the availability of a large amount of decentralized computing resources. deAI may herald a power revolution rather than a monetary revolution, using cryptocurrency as a mechanism for allocating ownership and governance rights to powerful AI models'.