Instituições: As preocupações de mercado aumentaram com as políticas de Trump, e os investidores estão mantendo cautela em relação a Comprar nas quedas

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A Joe The data of Jinshi on March 11th, strategists and wealth advisors said that American retail investors are becoming increasingly uneasy about the big dump in the stock market. They are seeking more investment advice, questioning whether they should buy on the dips, and looking for safer havens. Joe Mazzola, chief strategist for trading and derivatives at Jiaxin Wealth Management, said: 'We are seeing fewer and fewer buy-the-dip orders, which we have not seen in a while. This tells us that people are taking a step back.' He said that the company has found since mid-February that the risk aversion sentiment of retail investor clients has been increasing because those with larger investment portfolio sizes have become net sellers. Data from the U.S. Investment Company Institute shows that overall, cash levels in money market funds are very high, reaching record levels in terms of assets under management. Analysts at Crane Data, which tracks market flows, said that cash levels rose steadily last week, setting a new record of $7.3 trillion. In contrast, the figure at the beginning of 2025 was about $7.17 trillion.

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