Vivident completou uma rodada de financiamento semente de $1,5 milhões, com o investimento da Hashed, entre outros, encriptação

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A startup company Vivident, specializing in artificial intelligence IP technology, announced the completion of a $1.5 million seed funding round. Hashed, Mashup Ventures, TheVentures, Modhaus (Korea), Sfermion (USA), CVC Z Venture Capital, Decima Fund, and Titan Fund, a subsidiary of CMCC Global in Hong Kong, participated in the investment. The team has a good track record in building consumer products using both Web2 and blockchain technologies. The new funding will be used to support the creation of anime-style character IPs and community interaction platforms using generative AI technology, with plans to launch a beta version of the service in the first half of 2025. (prnewswire)

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