Morgan Stanley: Receita do segundo trimestre da New Oriental supera as expectativas, mas lucro e orientações ficam aquém das expectativas

A Morgan Stanley report released on January 22nd, Jinsan data, pointed out that New Oriental (EDU.N) total revenue for the second quarter of the 2025 fiscal year increased by 19% year-on-year, 2% higher than the market's expectations; core revenue increased by 31.3% year-on-year, higher than the previous guidance of 25% to 28% year-on-year. As for the outlook for the third quarter of the 2025 fiscal year, core revenue is expected to increase by 18% to 21% (in US dollars) or by 20% to 23% (in RMB) year-on-year, lower than the full-year guidance of 30% year-on-year. Morgan Stanley has set a target price of 83 US dollars for New Oriental's American stock and given it a buy rating.

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