ChainCatcher News, according to The Block, Kang Seung-kon, CEO of Korean entertainment company Cube Entertainment, has been accused of participating in cryptocurrency investment scams. He is suspected of encouraging acquaintances and colleagues to invest in the cryptocurrency Nestree, a Korean blockchain company under Nestree Media Group. Nestree reached a price of 59 Korean won on March 28, 2022, and then dropped 34% to 39 Korean won within a month, and eventually fell to single digits by the end of the year.
Anteriormente, a Cube colaborou com a Animoca Brands para estabelecer uma joint venture focada em NFT em 2022.
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O CEO da empresa de entretenimento sul-coreana Cube foi acusado de envolvimento em investimentos de encriptação e lavagem de dinheiro
ChainCatcher News, according to The Block, Kang Seung-kon, CEO of Korean entertainment company Cube Entertainment, has been accused of participating in cryptocurrency investment scams. He is suspected of encouraging acquaintances and colleagues to invest in the cryptocurrency Nestree, a Korean blockchain company under Nestree Media Group. Nestree reached a price of 59 Korean won on March 28, 2022, and then dropped 34% to 39 Korean won within a month, and eventually fell to single digits by the end of the year. Anteriormente, a Cube colaborou com a Animoca Brands para estabelecer uma joint venture focada em NFT em 2022.