A Golden Finance report states that the privacy public chain Secret Network has announced the integration of its Confidential Computing Layer with Solana, providing Descentralização Confidential Computing (DeCC) tools, documentation, and support for Solana. Through its DeCC tools, it enables private voting for DAOs, encriptação storage for various applications, secure random number generation for games, confidential data linked to non-fungible tokens, sealed bidding auctions for non-fungible tokens and other assets, as well as encriptação order books for Decentralized Finance applications.
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Integração do Secret com Solana, fornecendo recursos de computação confidencial descentralizada, entre outros
A Golden Finance report states that the privacy public chain Secret Network has announced the integration of its Confidential Computing Layer with Solana, providing Descentralização Confidential Computing (DeCC) tools, documentation, and support for Solana. Through its DeCC tools, it enables private voting for DAOs, encriptação storage for various applications, secure random number generation for games, confidential data linked to non-fungible tokens, sealed bidding auctions for non-fungible tokens and other assets, as well as encriptação order books for Decentralized Finance applications.