O LayerZero lançou o plano de comunidade e pretende distribuir 5 milhões de tokens ZRO como recompensa.

Geração de resumo em curso

Odaily Daily News Planet LayerZero Foundation announced on the X platform that the LayerZero community plan is officially launched, with three new roles to choose from: community member, builder, or content creator. In addition, by generating significant impact in the community, users can level up (including zerolayer, intern, hero, og, legend, god). The entire plan allocates 5 million ZRO Tokens as rewards, to provide millions of ZROs to community members throughout the activation period. Members who join the community before June will initially receive an initial allocation of 25,000 ZRO. Therefore, if you already have a role, make sure to complete the migration process to qualify. For new members, choose your role and prepare for the next wave of rewards.

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