Golden Finance reported that the official data from Grayscale shows that the management fee of its latest launch, Grayscale Pyth Trust, is 2.5%, and will use the CoinDesk Pyth price index to provide a USD-denominated reference exchange rate. In addition, as of February 18, the asset under management of Grayscale Pyth Trust reached $10,288,675.76, with a net asset value per share of $10.29.
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Tarif pengelolaan Grayscale Pyth Trust adalah 2,5%, pada 18 Februari, total aset di bawah pengelolaan telah melebihi 10 juta dolar.
Golden Finance reported that the official data from Grayscale shows that the management fee of its latest launch, Grayscale Pyth Trust, is 2.5%, and will use the CoinDesk Pyth price index to provide a USD-denominated reference exchange rate. In addition, as of February 18, the asset under management of Grayscale Pyth Trust reached $10,288,675.76, with a net asset value per share of $10.29.