Golden Finance reported that, according to Lookonchain monitoring, 8 hours ago, a Baleine dumped all HYPE, losing more than $1.8 million. From February 25 to March 4, this Baleine spent $5.08 million to buy 266,000 HYPE at an average price of $19.08. 8 hours ago, he sold for $3.27 million at an average price of $12.27, losing more than $1.8 million.
Le contenu est fourni à titre de référence uniquement, il ne s'agit pas d'une sollicitation ou d'une offre. Aucun conseil en investissement, fiscalité ou juridique n'est fourni. Consultez l'Avertissement pour plus de détails sur les risques.
Une Baleine a fermé toutes les positions il y a 8 heures, subissant des pertes de plus de 180 millions de dollars
Golden Finance reported that, according to Lookonchain monitoring, 8 hours ago, a Baleine dumped all HYPE, losing more than $1.8 million. From February 25 to March 4, this Baleine spent $5.08 million to buy 266,000 HYPE at an average price of $19.08. 8 hours ago, he sold for $3.27 million at an average price of $12.27, losing more than $1.8 million.