Le prix des actions MSTR a temporairement grimpé pendant le pump du week-end Bitcoin avant de retomber.

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Odaily Daily News Planet Information Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy) opened significantly higher on March 3, with a pump of 15% to $295.10 at the opening, but then rose and fell, closing down nearly 2%. This Fluctuation was influenced by investors' reactions to Trump's cryptocurrency reserve plan. Trump announced on March 2 that the US will soon launch a cryptocurrency reserve. However, Andrew Tu, sales director at market maker Efficient Frontier, pointed out that the plan includes XRP and ADA tokens unexpectedly, and many key details have not been disclosed, including the specific quantity the government will purchase and the source of funds. En tant que plus grand détenteur d'entreprises de bitcoins au monde, Strategy détient actuellement 499 096 bitcoins. Les analystes estiment que si le plan de réserve cryptographique de Trump ne correspond pas aux attentes et n'est pas mis en œuvre, le marché pourrait connaître une nouvelle fluctuation, tandis que les inquiétudes économiques macroéconomiques restent un risque potentiel.

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