Les contrats à terme sur Bitcoin de la CME voient leur prime se réduire, l'écart se réduisant à environ 4 %, se rapprochant ainsi de la tendance de 2017.

Golden Finance reported that this week, a large amount of SpotBTCETF flowed out again. The analysis believes that the core reason is the narrowing of the CMEBTC futures premium (the spread has dropped to about 4%), weakening the attractiveness of the "cash Arbitrage" strategy, especially when the 10-year US Treasury bond currently provides about 4.3% risk-free return, Arbitrage funds are more inclined to shift to safer investments. Other factors have affected market sentiment, but fundamentally, the adjustment of professional traders' Arbitrage strategy is the key to the outflow of funds. The BTC 30-day PNL réalisé ratio (Realized Profit/Loss Ratio) has not fallen below the trend line, implying that the bull market should still be continuing, and the current trend may be closest to 2017.

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