Odaily Planet News Arkham has added an additional 22,000 Satoshi addresses to the monitored Satoshi entity, with a total BTC balance of 1,096,354 coins worth approximately $107.46 billion. These addresses are derived from a known mining pattern called Patoshi and include the unique (known) address where Satoshi spent BTC.
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Arkham mise à jour de Satoshi Holdings Adresse, la valeur actuelle des avoirs est d'environ 1074.6 milliards de dollars
Odaily Planet News Arkham has added an additional 22,000 Satoshi addresses to the monitored Satoshi entity, with a total BTC balance of 1,096,354 coins worth approximately $107.46 billion. These addresses are derived from a known mining pattern called Patoshi and include the unique (known) address where Satoshi spent BTC.