Odaily Planet Daily News According to the official announcement of the ether.fi Foundation, the protocol has generated $3.6 million in revenue this year. After the successful vote of the DAO governance proposal that has been previously voted on, a portion of the protocol's monthly revenue will be allocated to ETHFI stakeholders. The rewards for December will be distributed linearly to ETHFI stakeholders next month.
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ether.fi: Les revenus de décembre s'élèvent à 3,6 millions de dollars, une partie des revenus sera distribuée aux utilisateurs de mise en gage ETHFI
Odaily Planet Daily News According to the official announcement of the ether.fi Foundation, the protocol has generated $3.6 million in revenue this year. After the successful vote of the DAO governance proposal that has been previously voted on, a portion of the protocol's monthly revenue will be allocated to ETHFI stakeholders. The rewards for December will be distributed linearly to ETHFI stakeholders next month.