Galxe et Succinct s'associent pour lancer le premier mécanisme de loterie zkRaffle au monde, basé sur la technologie de preuve de connaissance zéro, équitable et transparent.
BlockBeats news, on January 15th, Galxe launched the world's first zkRaffle, implementing fair and transparent off-chain lottery through Smart Contracts and zero-knowledge technology. zkRaffle is supported by Drand oracle for off-chain real-time and historical data, and uses SP1 zkVM to generate proof of lottery execution, ensuring fairness and transparency. The winner's identity is verified through Merkle tree and supports multi-chain reward distribution. At the same time, Galxe also launched the zkRaffle Quest with a prize pool of 300,000 G Jeton, providing users with hands-on experience of zero-knowledge technology.
Le contenu est fourni à titre de référence uniquement, il ne s'agit pas d'une sollicitation ou d'une offre. Aucun conseil en investissement, fiscalité ou juridique n'est fourni. Consultez l'Avertissement pour plus de détails sur les risques.
Galxe et Succinct s'associent pour lancer le premier mécanisme de loterie zkRaffle au monde, basé sur la technologie de preuve de connaissance zéro, équitable et transparent.
BlockBeats news, on January 15th, Galxe launched the world's first zkRaffle, implementing fair and transparent off-chain lottery through Smart Contracts and zero-knowledge technology. zkRaffle is supported by Drand oracle for off-chain real-time and historical data, and uses SP1 zkVM to generate proof of lottery execution, ensuring fairness and transparency. The winner's identity is verified through Merkle tree and supports multi-chain reward distribution. At the same time, Galxe also launched the zkRaffle Quest with a prize pool of 300,000 G Jeton, providing users with hands-on experience of zero-knowledge technology.