Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, Metis has confirmed that the L1DTL memory upgrade has been successfully implemented on the cross-sequencer Nœud, resolving the previous interruption issue. The network operation has now been restored, and the network indicators confirm stable performance and normal transaction processing. Subsequent enhancements will be made to memory management to prevent similar events from occurring.
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Metis: Le problème précédent de l'interruption a été résolu et le réseau est rétabli
Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, Metis has confirmed that the L1DTL memory upgrade has been successfully implemented on the cross-sequencer Nœud, resolving the previous interruption issue. The network operation has now been restored, and the network indicators confirm stable performance and normal transaction processing. Subsequent enhancements will be made to memory management to prevent similar events from occurring.