Dom Wilson, senior market advisor at Goldman Sachs, said that the focus of the market and most of the fluctuations clearly come from the post-election transition. The November Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) delivered a message of 'steady progress', so it may take a real surprise to drive the market. Dom Wilson said that the warming of data may fuel the argument that the fight against inflation is not yet over, leading to further reduction in the probability of a rate cut in December, especially considering the backdrop of a more positive inflation cycle priced by the market since the election. (Jinshi)
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Goldman Sachs: L'augmentation des données sur l'IPC pourrait entraîner une réduction supplémentaire de la probabilité de baisse des taux en décembre.
Dom Wilson, senior market advisor at Goldman Sachs, said that the focus of the market and most of the fluctuations clearly come from the post-election transition. The November Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) delivered a message of 'steady progress', so it may take a real surprise to drive the market. Dom Wilson said that the warming of data may fuel the argument that the fight against inflation is not yet over, leading to further reduction in the probability of a rate cut in December, especially considering the backdrop of a more positive inflation cycle priced by the market since the election. (Jinshi)