Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, QCP announced that its over-the-counter Spot trading department QCP Trading has obtained the preliminary approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for the major payment institution (MPI) license. The IPA is an important step towards obtaining a comprehensive license, allowing QCP Trading to prepare to provide regulated digital payment JetonSpot trading services.
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QCP Trading a reçu une approbation préliminaire majeure de la Monetary Authority of Singapore pour sa licence d'institution de paiement principale.
Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, QCP announced that its over-the-counter Spot trading department QCP Trading has obtained the preliminary approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for the major payment institution (MPI) license. The IPA is an important step towards obtaining a comprehensive license, allowing QCP Trading to prepare to provide regulated digital payment JetonSpot trading services.