BlockBeats News, on September 3rd, Karak Network on the off-chain layer launched the developer SDK (Software Development Kit) to provide a lightweight development framework for developers of stake use cases. The initial version of the SDK includes local and cloud key management, simple BLS signatures and off-chain verification, as well as interfaces for Karak v2 contracts, providing developers with the tools needed to build DSS/AVS.
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Karak Network lance un kit d'outils pour les développeurs
BlockBeats News, on September 3rd, Karak Network on the off-chain layer launched the developer SDK (Software Development Kit) to provide a lightweight development framework for developers of stake use cases. The initial version of the SDK includes local and cloud key management, simple BLS signatures and off-chain verification, as well as interfaces for Karak v2 contracts, providing developers with the tools needed to build DSS/AVS.