Gold Finance reported that the Shiba team has launched the card payment function of the Meme coin BONE on Shibarium. LUCIE, the marketing director of Shiba Inu, revealed a major development in the Shibarium ecosystem. LUCIE stated that investors who hope to invest in the practical Jeton BONE of the Shibarium Layer 2 network can now directly use their cards to purchase the Jeton.
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L'équipe Shiba lance la fonction de paiement par carte de crédit du jeton Meme BONE sur Shibarium
Gold Finance reported that the Shiba team has launched the card payment function of the Meme coin BONE on Shibarium. LUCIE, the marketing director of Shiba Inu, revealed a major development in the Shibarium ecosystem. LUCIE stated that investors who hope to invest in the practical Jeton BONE of the Shibarium Layer 2 network can now directly use their cards to purchase the Jeton.