Le contrat Market Maker de contrats à terme BTC de la Bourse des produits de base de Chicago a atteint 67 000 $, en hausse de 16,35 % cette semaine.

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Gold Finance reported that the CMEBTC futures BTCMarket Maker contract on the New York closing this week was reported at $67,300, up 4.03% from the Thursday closing in New York, with a cumulative increase of 16.35% this week, trading in the range of $60,845-67,740. SpotBTC has accumulated an increase of about 11.50% this week, and the U.S. stock market closed in on the June 13th peak of $68,609.89. The CME Ethereum futures DCRMarket Maker contract was reported at $3,524.00, up 2.85% from Thursday, with a cumulative increase of 13.04% this week, trading in the range of $3,112.50-3,555.50.

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