Odaily星球日报讯 With the news of Trump being convicted, many MEME themed around Trump have been created. According to Lookonchain's monitoring, a clever trader made about 972 SOL (worth about $167,000) in 5 hours by trading Trump-themed tokens FREE TRUMP (FREE) and NEVER SURRENDER (TRUMP).
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Odaily星球日报讯 With the news of Trump being convicted, many MEME themed around Trump have been created. According to Lookonchain's monitoring, a clever trader made about 972 SOL (worth about $167,000) in 5 hours by trading Trump-themed tokens FREE TRUMP (FREE) and NEVER SURRENDER (TRUMP).
该地址花费 85 SOL(14.6 万美元)购买 FREE,然后以 814 SOL(14 万美元)的价格卖出,赚得 729 SOL(价值约合 12.5 万美元)。还花费 72 SOL(12.3 万美元)购买 TRUMP 并以 315 SOL(54 万美元)的价格售出,赚得 243 SOL(价值约合 4.2 万美元)。