Companies Marketcap data from Sina Finance shows that the market capitalization of silver has once again surpassed Bitcoin, becoming the 8th largest asset in the world by market capitalization. According to CoinGecko data, since Bitcoin reached its historical high of $73,737 on March 14th, silver has risen by 33.4%, while Bitcoin has fallen by 9.5%. The current market capitalization of silver is $1.828 trillion, which is approximately $500 billion higher than Bitcoin's market capitalization of $1.322 trillion, making Bitcoin the 9th largest asset in the world by market capitalization.
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BTC Market Cap is overtaken by Silver again.
Companies Marketcap data from Sina Finance shows that the market capitalization of silver has once again surpassed Bitcoin, becoming the 8th largest asset in the world by market capitalization. According to CoinGecko data, since Bitcoin reached its historical high of $73,737 on March 14th, silver has risen by 33.4%, while Bitcoin has fallen by 9.5%. The current market capitalization of silver is $1.828 trillion, which is approximately $500 billion higher than Bitcoin's market capitalization of $1.322 trillion, making Bitcoin the 9th largest asset in the world by market capitalization.