CC0 refers to the copyright owner who releases the copyright, allowing others to copy, modify, and distribute the work without permission. Nouns, CrypToadz, mfers, and are NFT projects of this kind.
A lot of innovation is being invested in onchain games, but our focus is on exploring the provable game technology tree using Cairo and Starknet VM. This article aims to translate some provable game concepts into a practical example, inspired by the legendary game RuneScape.
"Starting to care about politics through a meme," this is a reflection of the past decade of American politics becoming entertainment in the realm of imagery.
This article explores the limitations of traditional copyright and the reasons for changes in demand, analyzes how blockchain can solve the problems of the intellectual property (IP) industry, and details the functions of Story Protocol and its innovative applications in on-chain copyright management.
12/17/2023, 6:06:02 PM
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Découvrez le monde des cryptomonnaies et abonnez-vous à Gate pour une nouvelle perspective