🔥Gate.io Bots estrategia comerciante plan de incentivos se lanza con fuerza!
🤖¡Crea estrategias de Bots de inmediato y comparte 10,900 USDT!
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🔗Detalles: https://www.gate.io/announcements/article/43944
Medios de Hong Kong: China continental y Hong Kong planean lanzar pagos transfronterizos interconectados en junio del próximo año
Odaily Planet Daily News Hong Kong Monetary Authority and People's Bank of China are promoting the interconnection of the two fast payment systems, namely Hong Kong's Faster Payment System (FPS) and mainland China's Online Payment Cross-Border Clearing System (IBPS). The target timetable for the technical interconnection of FPS and IBPS is tentatively set for June next year, but in April this year, several banks in Hong Kong will conduct trials first, and hope that other banks will participate when it is officially launched in June. (Hong Kong Economic Daily)