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What are Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Wallets?

What are Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Wallets?

Explore the role of MPC wallets in cryptocurrency security, offering advanced protection with decentralized key management and privacy in digital asset transactions.
1/2/2024, 9:57:52 AM
Entering the Web3 version of DreamStar, PuffGo leads the party to a new chapter

Entering the Web3 version of DreamStar, PuffGo leads the party to a new chapter

Discover PuffGo - an innovative online game combining unique gameplay, economic model and upcoming UGC features.
2/3/2024, 11:00:11 AM
A Detailed Explanation of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)

A Detailed Explanation of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)

Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) is an encryption method that allows one party (known as the prover) to prove to another party (known as the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any other information. The popular ZKP solutions include zk-SNARKS, zk-STARKS, PLONK, and Bulletproofs. This article will introduce these four types of ZKP solutions and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
11/28/2023, 11:07:07 AM
Understanding dHEDGE in One Article

Understanding dHEDGE in One Article

dHEDGE is dedicated to providing a decentralized third-party asset management platform for fund managers and investors.
4/22/2024, 2:28:13 AM
What to Do When the Value of Seized Cryptocurrency Fluctuates During a Case?

What to Do When the Value of Seized Cryptocurrency Fluctuates During a Case?

The volatility of cryptocurrency prices creates uncertainty in determining the value involved in criminal cases. Judicial authorities typically liquidate seized assets through third-party agencies after the verdict, but it is difficult to determine the value early in the case. Current methods include market trading prices, third-party appraisals, suspect’s resale amounts, or victim’s loss amounts.
2/8/2025, 6:45:33 AM
Custodial Vs. Non-Custodial Wallets

Custodial Vs. Non-Custodial Wallets

There are two types of Cryptocurrency wallets, namely a Custodial wallet - the private key is held by a third party and a Non-Custodial wallet - the users are in full control of their digital assets.
1/9/2023, 11:49:48 AM
The Impact of the U.S. Presidential Election on Cryptocurrency

The Impact of the U.S. Presidential Election on Cryptocurrency

The U.S. presidential election is set for November 5, 2024. Representing the Republican Party is former President Donald Trump, who is facing multiple legal challenges due to alleged misconduct. On the Democratic side, Kamala Harris has stepped in as the party's candidate, replacing the aging Joe Biden. Regardless of who ultimately wins, the election will have both short-term and long-term impacts on the cryptocurrency market.
11/25/2024, 8:27:16 AM
FHE vs. ZK vs. MPC

FHE vs. ZK vs. MPC

This article compares three encryption technologies: Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK), and Multi-Party Computation (MPC), explaining their respective mechanisms and roles in blockchain applications.
8/6/2024, 1:54:27 PM
How to Protect and Pass your Crypto after Death?

How to Protect and Pass your Crypto after Death?

Crypto assets can be part of your estate and passed to beneficiaries upon death. However, seek legal counsel, ensure your heirs are tech-savvy, or consider using third-party inheritance managers.
10/10/2024, 1:31:17 AM
What Is a Replay Attack?

What Is a Replay Attack?

A Replay Attack happens when a malicious party manages to intercept parts of a valid data transmission in order to bypass the cryptography in a blockchain.
1/19/2023, 9:59:30 AM
What Is an Oracle in Blockchain?

What Is an Oracle in Blockchain?

An oracle in blockchain technology is a third-party service that provides external data to a smart contract, allowing it to interact with the real world.
1/20/2023, 9:33:49 AM
Why Blockchain’s Ethical Stakes Are So High

Why Blockchain’s Ethical Stakes Are So High

The article focuses on four types of risks: lack of third-party protection, threats to privacy infringement, zero-knowledge issues, and poor governance. It provides recommendations for blockchain developers and users on how to mitigate potential harm.
1/11/2024, 8:31:07 AM
About CC0: Do you want to be a platform or a brand?

About CC0: Do you want to be a platform or a brand?

This article is based on CC0 capabilities and includes the project party’s business ideas and business model analysis.
1/7/2024, 7:23:24 AM
What is Decentralized Identifier (DID)?

What is Decentralized Identifier (DID)?

The decentralized identifier represents the user's identity as well as identity authorization information. Users can create identifiers, declare and hold proofs without relying on third-party institutions such as service providers or governments with decentralized identity system solutions.
2/22/2023, 3:18:56 PM
The Next Frontier in Digital Privacy

The Next Frontier in Digital Privacy

FHE is a novel encryption technology that addresses the limitations of zero-knowledge proofs in privacy protection and scalability. It allows for sharing and protecting private states without the need for third-party trust, and enables direct computation on encrypted data, supporting various applications.
2/7/2024, 2:22:53 PM

Su puerta de entrada al mundo de las criptomonedas: suscríbase a Gate para una nueva perspectiva.

Su puerta de entrada al mundo de las criptomonedas: suscríbase a Gate para una nueva perspectiva.